Anyone who is a Maine citizen and is over the age of 16 can apply for a license. In order to get a license, the driver must turn in any other licenses that they have been issued and The Secretary of State must approve the driver’s application.
The laws also state that a person must apply for a Maine driver’s license:
- Within 30 days of becoming a Maine resident
If a person has been living in Maine for less than 90 days and does not obtain a Maine license, they can be subject to a traffic citation. If they have been a resident over 90 days and still have not obtained a Maine State license, they face Class E criminal charges.
Call 207-571-8146 or contact us online to schedule a consult with one of our highly skilled criminal defense & OUI lawyers, serving Southern Maine, today.
Table of Contents
Driving Without a License in Maine
It is a crime to drive with an out of state license if a driver is a Maine resident, but it is an even more serious offense to drive with no license at all. Under Maine criminal code Title 29-A section 1251, it is a crime for a person to drive a vehicle on the road or in a parking area of any of the following apply:
- The driver does not have a valid driver’s license – the person operating the vehicle has not received a license from any state, is not eligible for a license or has lost their license.
- The driver is in violation of a conditional or restricted license – after a person’s license gets suspended or revoked, they can sometimes get a limited license that allows them to drive only under certain circumstances.
- The driver has a Maine driver’s license that has expired 90 days ago or less
Penalties for Driving Without a License in Maine
The penalties for driving with an expired Maine license and driving with an out of state license 90 days or less after becoming a Maine resident are traffic citations. All other driving without a license offenses under Title 29-A section 1251 are Class E charges.
The sentences for a Class E offense include:
- A maximum fine of $1000 and/or
- A maximum of 180 days of jail time
Contact Our Driving Without a License Defense Lawyer
If you have been charged with driving without a license, call our office now. A driver who does not have a license can still be charged with OUI or any other driving offense and can face charges for multiple offenses all at once.
Our attorneys are dedicated to getting our clients the best results possible. We will listen to your case and explain to you what your charges mean and what your defense option is. Contact The Maine Criminal Defense Group or call us today at (207) 571-8146 to set up an appointment.
Call 207-571-8146 or contact us online to schedule a consult with one of our highly skilled criminal defense & OUI lawyers, serving Southern Maine, today.
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