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Offense: OUI .13%

Maximum Sentence: 364 days jail, 1 year loss of license, $2,000.00 fine

Mandatory Minimum Sentence: 90 day loss of license, $500 fine

Synopsis: Client was at a McDonald’s drive through placing an order. A McDonald’s employee who had a brief opportunity to observe the client’s mannerisms called the police as she suspected the client was impaired. The police arrived prior to the client exiting the parking lot and confronted the client. Client admitted to consuming alcohol and performed poorly on the field sobriety tests. Client was placed under arrest and brought to the county jail for a breath test and blew a .13%.

Result: Client elected to have a jury trial. Client had a host of medical issues including COPD, GERD, asthma and chronic neck and back pain. Client suffered from a severe disability as he was dyslexic. We retained a physiologist and GERD/COPD expert on the case who provided the state with a report that showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the breath test was completely unreliable and that his true BrAC was well under the legal limit. As a result, the State decided to go forward with trial based solely on impairment and chose not to mention that a breath test was administered, which precluded the defense from arguing that the test was invalid. The jury heard the evidence and returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY!

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Arrested for an OUI or Criminal Offense?
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If you are facing criminal charges or an OUI / DUI offense in Maine, the attorneys at The Maine Criminal Defense Group are here to help. Call our office to speak with one of our team members, who will discuss your case with you and set up a consultation with one of our attorneys.

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Maine Legal Group

We are a boutique law firm, and we stand out by prioritizing our clients’ well-being. At The Maine Legal Group, our experienced team offers personalized attention in both criminal defense and divorce cases.

The Maine Criminal Defense Group

The Maine Criminal Defense Group adeptly handles all areas of criminal defense practice, including experienced and skilled legal representation for state and federal charges.

The Maine Divorce Group

The Maine Divorce Group empowers individuals skillfully navigating divorce with compassionate guidance, ensuring a brighter future through the challenges of the process.

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