Charge: Providing a Place for Minors to Consume Alcohol
Maximum Penalty: 180 days jail and $1,000.00 fine
Summary: Client, a local college student, was doing what all college kids do… he was having a party at his apartment. Unfortunately for the client, things got out of control and MANY more people showed up than anticipated. Of course most of the party goers were under the age of 21 and extremely drunk. The local PD was also stepping up enforcement of these illegal parties and arrested my client for supplying the apartment for the party. Ironically, my client was the only person who hadn’t been drinking that night at the party.
Result: Client was from out-of-state and the parents were extremely worried about their child’s future if convicted of the crime. We were able to negotiate a filing of the charge with a dismissal at the end; in return for 20 hours of community service and a $200.00 filing fee.